HIV Outreach & Awareness

HIV/AIDS Women's Programs
This model program is one of a few that target high-risk women with culturally appropriate, gender-specific prevention and risk reduction messages. The project provides women of child-bearing age with HIV/AIDS education and risk reduction information with an emphasis on promoting and reinforcing safer behavior through enhanced decision-making skills. Participants receive interpersonal skills training in negotiating and sustaining appropriate behavior changes
Secondary Prevention Project
This project is designed to educate people living with HIV/AIDS about the risks of secondary infection (in which the virus can mutate and thus become stronger and more resistant) and reduce the transmission and/or re-infection of the virus. This goal is accomplished through the use of outreach, group education, prevention case management and Health Communication Public Information seminars. The communities served include Roseland, Riverdale, Hegewisch, and South Shore. In addition, the project assists clients by making referrals for counseling and testing and accessing other HIV prevention and related services.
HIV/AIDS Shelter Education and Outreach
This program targets African Americans who reside in or frequent shelters and transitional living facilities. The program is designed specifically around the population's unique circumstances and addresses issues of survival, self-esteem, support and mistrust. In addition to providing group education workshops, the program offers intensive individualized prevention case management services. Other services include referrals for counseling, continuing education and substance abuse treatment, plus free, confidential HIV testing.
Corrections Initiative
This program provides intensive case management services and referral services to post—incarcerated individuals or recently released individuals living with HIV/AIDS. Clients receive comprehensive assessments and are connected with the services they need, including primary medical care, housing, mental health, and substance abuse treatment
Client-centered care means not only having a location in the community you serve, but also being able to take your service to the population you serve – this is what makes our Mobile Testing Units (MTU) such a critical part of the success of SSHC’s outreach initiatives. Each MTU is equipped with two separate rooms and of course, heat in the winter and air-conditioning in the summer. Our MTUs travel thoughout the city of Chicago at least eight hours a day for at least 5 days a week. In addition, the teams on the MTUs provide confidential, expert counseling and testing at festivals, parades, parks, parties and other indoor and outdoor events where those in our community gather to celebrate life. We celebrate with them by providing a service – easily and conveniently – that can help enhance the quality of life.